HSReplay - Hearthstone Replays

HSReplay is a specification for Hearthstone replays.

The primary user of the HSReplay spec is HSReplay.net, which uses Joust to make replays available on the web.

Example replay

Here follows a short two-turn example game converted to HSReplay:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE hsreplay SYSTEM "https://hearthsim.info/hsreplay/dtd/hsreplay-1.3.dtd">
<HSReplay version="1.3">
	<Game ts="18:57:36.505394">
		<GameEntity id="1">
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			<Tag tag="204" value="2"/>
		<Player id="2" playerID="1" accountHi="144115193835963207" accountLo="27390670" name="Adys">
			<Tag tag="17" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="27" value="64"/>
			<Tag tag="28" value="10"/>
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			<Tag tag="30" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="31" value="1"/>
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			<Tag tag="50" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="53" value="2"/>
			<Tag tag="176" value="10"/>
			<Tag tag="202" value="2"/>
			<Tag tag="272" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="399" value="4"/>
		<Player id="3" playerID="2" accountHi="144115188075855872" accountLo="0" name="The Innkeeper">
			<Tag tag="17" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="23" value="1"/>
			<Tag tag="24" value="1"/>
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