We are a small community of developers passionate about Hearthstone. We build simulators and other tools around and for the game.
Are you interested? Come join us on the #hearthsim
IRC channel on the
Freenode network, or join our mirrored room on Gitter.
Our core projects:
- Fireplace, SabberStone, Hearthbreaker and many more simulators are all products of the HearthSim Developer Community.
- HSReplay is a replay specification, including reference implementations.
- Joust is a web-based Hearthstone client which supports HSReplay as well as real games through Stove.
- Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a deck/replay tracker and collection manager for Hearthstone.
- HSReplay.net is a website to track online replays, using Joust and supported by Hearthstone Deck Tracker.
- HearthstoneJSON.com exports all the card data in Hearthstone to JSON to work with more easily than the raw files.
- Stove is a Battle.net and Hearthstone server written in Go. It is still an early work in progress.
We also host:
- HSTracker, the official macOS port of Hearthstone Deck Tracker.
- Arena Tracker is another deck tracker specially built for Arena.
- UnityPack, a Python library for parsing and deserializing .unity3d files.
Our tools:
- python-bna is a python implementation of the Battle.net authenticator, usable as both a command-line authenticator and a library.
- Hearthy is a Python framework for interacting with the Hearthstone protocol. It includes server-to-simulator communication logic.
- UnityHook is a framework for hooking into Unity games’ function calls.
- CSharp-Proto-Extractor is a ProtoBuf extractor for protobufs compiled with protobuf-csharp-port and SilentOrbit’s Protobufs (which Hearthstone uses)
Resources we work on:
- Hearthstone Science, a video series about experimentation with Hearthstone’s mechanics.
- The Hearthstone Gamepedia Wiki is maintained by HearthSim members and includes work such as the Advanced Rulebook
Everything happens in the #hearthsim IRC channel. Logs are available on Gitter.